Become a Certified PeriCoach Provider

The PeriCoach® System supports and guides women through pelvic floor exercises and sends regular reminders to ensure they maintain their pelvic floor strengthening regimen—accountability that benefits both patients and their treating clinicians.


The PeriCoach System is a personalized device, web portal, and smart phone app for pelvic floor muscle training. Designed for home use, it is the first system that enables clinicians to remotely monitor and assess their patients’ Pelvic Floor Muscle Therapy (PFMT).

A Positive Conservative Treatment Option

More and more women are seeking conservative, non-invasive solutions for treatment of urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and sexual dysfunction.  What many don’t recognize is that ‘Kegel exercise’ could be the simple solution.  Although women have a basic knowledge of pelvic exercises, they do not perform them properly or often enough (or properly) to have an impact on their PFD symptoms.

PeriCoach is a tool which can support an active physical therapy treatment regimen or be used at the patient’s convenience should specialty therapists not be an option. Furthermore, the ACP guidelines recommend pelvic floor exercises as the first line non-pharmacological treatment for stress urinary incontinence.

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Value Of A Solution

In the US alone, it is estimated that women spend over $20 million annually to manage their incontinence.  70% of this was for routine costs like pads, support products, laundry, dry cleaning and  odor products.  This is just a slice of the global adult diaper market which is estimated to be at $5 billion!

All of this is to just manage, not to resolve their leaking issues.


“Intimidation fades quick. The guidance in the app keeps you motivated as you can actually see progress in your strength and endurance. So 8 weeks later, I can say for sure that my pelvic floor is stronger than ever. And I have the cool graphs in the app to show it!“


Christina – Richmond, Virginia

“I’ve been using the PeriCoach for 4 months, started because I had some incontinence when jumping. I noticed improvement within weeks. It’s helped me to greater pelvic floor awareness which means I can turn on muscles when needed, great for sex too!“


Hannah W. – Sydney, Australia

“Since using the PeriCoach I am back at the gym without the worry of wetting my pants! I no longer have accidents in pump class, I can jump on the trampoline with my children, and I don’t have to worry about stocking up on pads!”


Cate A. – Sydney, Australia

I think PeriCoach is one of the best things I have ever used. It helps me to stay motivated, and I think I have done more exercises than I would have done, due to the feedback. I have quite a weak muscle and after 3 weeks using the PeriCoach, I noticed a difference. I have a moderate prolapse, and stress urinary incontinence, and both have improved in 3 weeks.”


Anonymous – Adelaide, Australia
